Simons Chair in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Earth Science
Rice University
2035 Duncan Hall
Curriculum Vitae View
Phone: 713-348-5723
1979 – 1984 | Enrolled as a student in the Department of Physics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
1981 | B.Sc.-Degree in physics with mathematics and astronomy (cum laude), Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
1984 | M.Sc.-Degree in theoretical physics (cum laude), Utrecht University, the Netherlands |
1992 | Ph.D.-Degree in technical sciences (cum laude), Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands |
Professional career:
2015 – present | Simons Chair and Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics and Earth Science, Rice University, Houston TX, USA |
2007 – present | Visiting professor at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
2001 – present | Part-time visiting professor and visiting associate professor, the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA |
2005 – 2015 | Professor, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, USA |
2003 – 2005 | Professor, the Center for Wave Phenomena, the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, USA |
1997 – 2003 | Associate professor, the Center for Wave Phenomena, the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, USA |
1995 – 1997 | Research assistant professor and visiting professor, the Center for Wave Phenomena, the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, USA |
1992 – 1995 | Senior research scientist and programme leader, Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Cambridge, England |
1985 – 1992 | Research geophysicist, Koninklijke/Shell Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium, Rijswijk, the Netherlands |
Other Positions:
2010 – 2018 | Scientific adviser, Corporate Science and Technology, Total American Services, Inc. |
2010 – 2011 | DARPA, Transparent Earth Initiative |
2004 – 2005 | Consultant, Corporate Science and Technology, Total American Services, Inc. |
Awards and Honors:
- Recipient of the 1996 J. Clarence Karcher Award, Society of Exploration Geophysicists;
- Recipient of an unrestricted grant from the 1998-1999 DuPont Educational Aid Program;
- Recipient of the award for young scientists, International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation, 2001.
Membership in Professional Societies:
- SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics);
- AMS (American Mathematical Society);
- IOP ( Institute of Physics) Fellow (since 2001);
- AGU (American Geophysical Union);
- SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists);
Main Professional Experience:
Scattering, imaging and inverse problems, deep learning, theoretical and computational seismology, geodesy
- multi-dimensional imaging, inverse scattering, and tomography;
- nonlinear inverse boundary value problems: direct and iterative reconstruction; geometric inverse problems; inverse spectral problems; inverse problems with nonlinear wave interaction; coupled physics and hybrid inverse problems;
- deep learning and inverse problems;
- relativistic elasticity;
- development of multiscale methods and nonlinear theories of generalized functions applied to scattering and inverse scattering in media of low regularity, and in highly discontinuous and random media;
- large-scale computational modeling of acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic wave phenomena in complex media, earthquakes, normal modes and fast iterative methods for nonlinear inverse problems; development of approaches based on techniques from microlocal analysis and computational harmonic analysis, structured matrix based methods, and massively parallel algorithms.
Courses taught:
- calculus (with Mathematica recitation), differential equations, linear algebra, real analysis, advanced engineering mathematics, numerical analysis, and partial differential equations for the undergraduate curriculum; independent study on continuum mechanics for the undergraduate curriculum;
- advanced real analysis (from H.L. Royden, Real Analysis, Prentice Hall), functional analysis (from J.B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, Springer), and advanced applied mathematics (from J.P. Keener, Principles of Applied Mathematics, Addison-Wesley); independent studies on microlocal analysis and symplectic geometry (from L. Hörmander, The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators, Vols. 1 and 3, Springer), and on the theory of distributions (from L. Schwartz, Mathematics for Physical Sciences, Hermann) for the graduate curriculum;
- special topics: applied microlocal analysis (from own lecture notes), and applied inverse problems (from own lecture notes) for the graduate curriculum;
- mathematical theory of seismology for the graduate curriculum (in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA; from own lecture notes)
Student supervision:
- former M.Sc. students at Delft University of Technology
- H.C. Serafini; thesis: ‘Splitting of acoustic waves in fluid media in the third-order Thiele approximation’ (Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 1991);
- J.P.L. Mourik; thesis: ‘Fast computation of synthetic seismograms in a piecewise continuously layered fluid’ (Department of Electrical Engineering, 1992);
- former Ph.D. student at Delft University of Technology
- M.J.N. van Stralen; thesis: ‘Directional decomposition of electromagnetic and acoustic wave fields’ (Department of Electrical Engineering, 1994-1997);
- former Ph.D. students at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
- S. Brandsberg-Dahl; thesis: ‘Imaging-inversion and migration velocity analysis in the scattering-angle/azimuth domain’ (Department of Geophysics, 1998-2001);
- J.H.L. Le Rousseau; thesis: ‘Microlocal analysis of wave-equation imaging and generalized-screen propagators’ (Department of Geophysics, 1998-2001);
- A.E. Malcolm; thesis: ‘Data continuation for data regularization and internal multiples’ (Department of Geophysics, 2000-2005);
- former Ph.D. co-advisee at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines
- H. Douma; thesis: ‘A hybrid formulation of map migration and wave-equation-based migration using curvelets’ (Department of Geophysics, 2001-2006);
- former Ph.D. students at the Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group, Purdue University
- V. Brytik; thesis: ‘Mode decoupling of the elastic wave equation, ‘reverse-time migration’, and sensitivity analysis of wave-equation tomography using wave packets’ (Department of Mathematics, 2005-2010);
- S. Wang; thesis: ‘3D modeling of time-harmonic seismic waves via a massively parallel structured multifrontal solver and applications’ (Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 2007-2012);
- L. Qiu; thesis: ‘An inverse boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation: Conditional stability and convergence of multi-level, multi-frequency iterative methods for nonlinear reconstruction of the wavespeed’; (Department of Mathematics, 2008-2013);
- P. Kepley; project: ‘Inverse boundary value problem for the wave equation: Construction of virtual interior point source data from the Neumann-to-Dirichlet map, redatuming, and iterative reconstruction via interior wavefields using boundary control’;
- former Ph.D. students at the Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group, Rice University
- R. Ye; thesis: ‘Discontinuous Galerkin method with a modified penalty flux for the modeling of acousto-elastic waves, coupled to rupture dynamics, in a self-gravitating earth’ (Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, 2011-2018);
- J. Zhai; thesis: ‘Analysis of inverse boundary value problems for elastic waves’ (Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013-2018);
- X. Liu; thesis: ‘Structured matrix algorithms for solving the Helmholtz equation’ (Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013-2019);
- J. Shi; thesis: ‘Normal modes, surface-wave and time-harmonic body-wave computational modeling and inverse modeling on unstructured, deformable tetrahedral meshes’ (Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, 2012-2019);
- current Ph.D. students at the Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group, Rice University
- H. Jasperson; project: ‘Clustering of precursory signals, forecasting with machine learning, learning fault dynamics’;
- G. Lyons; project: ‘Complex optimal transport, low-frequency unique continuation, deep learning’;
- J. Lara Benitez; project: ‘Analysis of training dynamics’;
- former M.Sc. student at the Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group, Rice University
- J. Ye; thesis: ‘Revisiting the computation of normal modes in SNREI models of planets’ (Applied Physics, 2015-2017);
- former Ph.D. co-advisees
- S.-K. Foss; thesis: ‘Depth consistent PP and PS angle tomography’ (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2001-2004);
- P. Wang; thesis: ‘Imaging structure at and near the core mantle boundary using a generalized Radon transform’ (Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, 2001-2007);
- Q. Cao; thesis: ‘Seismic imaging of the mantle transition zone’ (Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, 2006-2011);
- X. Shang; thesis: ‘Inverse scattering: Theory and application to the imaging of Earth’s seismic discontinuities’ (Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, 2007-2013);
- M. Berra; thesis: ‘Frame based Gaussian beams for evolution equations’ (Dipartimento di Matematica “Giuseppe Peano”, University of Torino, Italy, 2013-2015);
- supervision of eleven visiting graduate students, M. Gustafsson (Department of Applied Electronics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; 1998), B.L.G. Jonsson (Division of Electromagnetic Theory, Department of Signal, Sensors and Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden; 1999), C.C. Stolk (Mathematics Department, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands; 2000), A.A. Duchkov (Institute of Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia; Summer 2004); T.Wiik (Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; Spring 2010); S. Park (Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea; Spring 2011); W. Shi (Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, China; 2012-2013); P. Zhang (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 2013-2014); H. Quiceno (Mathematical Sciences Department, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia; Spring 2017); A. Molina-Aguilera (Instituto Andaluz de Geofisica and Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Spain; Fall 2017); K. Shukla (Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University; 2018).
Post-doctoral advisees:
- A.A. Duchkov (2005-2009);
- M. Carlsson (2008-2011);
- H. Wendt (2008-2011);
- S.F. Holman (2010-2013);
- Z. Guo (2011-2013);
- H. Pham (2012-2013);
- J. Tittelfitz (2013-2015);
- J. Chen (2013-2015);
- P. Caday (2015-2018);
- V. Katsnelson (2015-2018);
- C. Wong (2016-2019);
- T. Saksala (2017-2020);
- Y. Assylbekov (2019-2021);
- M.A. Puthawala (2019-2021).
Organizer of conferences, workshops and special programs:
- member program committee Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging III, SPIE
- International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation (San Diego CA, July 1995);
- member technical program committee 69th Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (Houston TX, October 1999);
- co-organizer Society of Exploration Geophysicists Summer Research Workshop on Synergies in Geophysical, Medical and Space Imaging (Newport Beach CA, July 2001);
- member scientific committee IPAM (Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics) / SIAM/EMS conference on Applied Inverse Problems: Theoretical and Computational Aspects (UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center, May 2003);
- member organizing committee PIMS (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences) Geophysical Inversion Workshop (Calgary, Canada, July 2003);
- member international program committee International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation (Fethiye, Turkey, June 2004);
- member scientific committee Waves 2005 (Brown University RI, June 2005);
- co-organizer Workshop on Subsalt Imaging Problems (Colorado School of Mines CO, July 2005);
- co-organizer Workshop on Microlocal Analysis and Harmonic Analysis in Inverse Problems (C.I.R.M., Marseille, France, March 2007);
- member steering committee Applied Inverse Problems (Vancouver, Canada, June 2007);
- program leader (chair) of program on Random Media (2007-08) at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (Research Triangle Park, NC);
- member organizing committee SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (San Diego CA, July 2008);
- member scientific committee (IMA PI conference on) Dynamical Systems in Physiological Modeling (Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, October 2008);
- member scientific committee International Conference on Generalized Functions (Vienna, Austria, August-September 2009);
- co-organizer program on Inverse Problems and Applications (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley CA, Fall 2010);
- member organizing committee International Symposium on Geophysical Imaging with Localized Waves (Sanya, Hainan, China, July 2011);
- member organizing committee SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (Philadelphia PA, May 2012);
- member organizing committee scientific program on Inverse Problems and Applications (Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, Spring 2013);
- member scientific committee Applied Inverse Problems (Helsinki, Finland, May 2015).
- organizer MATH + X Symposium on Seismology and Inverse Problems (Houston TX, January 2017);
- co-organizer workshop on Recent Advances in Seismic Modeling and Inversion: From Analysis to Applications (Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Providence RI, November 2017);
- organizer MATH + X Symposium on Data Science and Inverse Problems in Geophysics (Houston TX, January 2018);
- co-organizer mini-workshop on Deep Learning and Inverse Problems (Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, March 2018);
- co-organizer DOE workshop on Information is in the Noise: Signatures of Evolving Fracture Systems (Gaithersburg MD, March 2018).
- co-organizer NIPS workshop on Machine Learning for Geophysical and Geochemical Signals (Montreal, Canada, December 2018);
- organizer MATH + X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning in Space Exploration (Houston TX, January 2019);
- co-organizer 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning in Solid Earth Geoscience (Santa Fe NM, March 2019);
- co-organizer 4th Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs (Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST, Hong Kong, May 2019)
- organizer MATH+X Symposium on Inverse Problems and Deep Learning, Mitigating Natural Hazards (Las Catalinas, Costa Rica, January 2020);